Laughter Yoga - Hasya Yoga - Laughter is Healthy

Aristotle already knew: “Laughter is a physical exercise of great value to health.”. Laughter is understood as a specific exercise, the people with their breathing to strengthen and liberate your soul. And that is what the Hasya-Yoga, the laughing yoga.

The Laughter Yoga and its origins

as a practice is to use targeted younger than many people think like laughter. It was founded in 1995 the Indian physician Dr. Madan Kataria in Mumbai developed. He joined targeted breathing exercises from classical yoga, pranayama, with the modern therapeutic mode of action of laughter. It is laughter for no apparent reason, but only because of specific sounds of laughter and the corresponding facial expressions.This form of laughter is very contagious and rapidly provides serenity, like a short movie shows the Paris Metro from.

He founded many laughter clubs and laid the first Sunday in May as World Laughter Day celebration. Quickly it has developed into a movement from India from all over the globe and spread rapidly in this country also finds many supporters.

Laughter is healthy. The positive effect of laughter - has always been known

For quotes from famous people can be seen that laughter has always been in good standing reputation for human health, beneficial and improve the quality of life. Sun Schleich knew Carl Ludwig (1859-1922), a German doctor and inventor of anesthesia: “Laughter is the ebb and tide of our diaphragm. It is a form of forced breathing feeling of pleasure: a yearning for balance.“

This quote goes to the heart of Laughter Yoga. The breathing is consciously directed to the laughter movements that are caused in the diaphragm, to stabilize the inner balance and harmony to achieve positive.

The English pastor Laurence Sterne (1713-1768) went a step further: “smile and laugh even more by the short span of life extended. By” long before Laughter Yoga therapeutic exercise was launched as a deliberate, people were already making use of the pools can cause, effect.

Gelotology - laugh as the subject of scientific research

Comes from ancient Greek, the term “gelotos”, the “Laughter” means. The Gelotology is therefore the science of laughter and its effects. C. flowing from around the world deal with the issues, such as laughing the body, the psyche and the general well-being affected. So laugh seems surprisingly to combat pain and stress, also it has demonstrable effect on patterns of thought. This means that the laughter movement in which many large and small muscle groups contracted to be very fast, changes in the patterns of thought has a consequence. He who laughs sees so many things suddenly changed and lighter.

Laughter Yoga - Small exercises

The chicken laughing

When chicken laughter, the group is together in the room and makes the short arms flapping movements, similar to the “chicken dance”, which was a must on any festival in the beer tent. Here are short, they have been cast very quickly repetitive, high laugh. The wing beat movements imitated sound that is fast hi-hi-hi-lute. This exercise in no time many muscle groups, respiratory training is so strong that one is then out of breath, as if you were jogging a great round. That laughter is linked with mental physical stress relief. Then you feel happy and balanced.

The lion laugh

The lion laugh combines an old yoga exercise, the “Lion”, with modern laughter therapy. As the classical hatha yoga known, the lion laugh, the eyes very wide open and the tongue stuck out as far as possible. The hands are shaped into claws and lifted the side next to the head. So scary you look like this attitude even in the latest when, instead of the deep roar from the gut a resounding, deep belly laughter is heard, this exercise seems amusing and grotesque. It is always healthy: Involved organs are cleansed and relaxed, and the neck area is particularly well supplied with blood. Also to the exercise in the throat area on the thyroid have a detoxifying effect.

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